Carnival of Satriano di Lucania

- Il Rumita -

In Satriano di Lucania, the forest comes to life:

The Rumita (hermit) is a vegetal man, a silent mask that, during the Sunday before Fat Tuesday, wanders through the streets of the village, caressing the facades of houses with a rustle – a stick topped with a sprig of holly. It’s his way of knocking. In ancient times, those visited by the Rumita respected his silence and, as a sign of good luck, would donate food items to the tree-man. The carnival celebrations that take place in many Lucanian municipalities constitute an important piece of the precious mosaic of traditions that make Basilicata a culturally diverse land. Its location in the heart of Southern Italy has historically made it a crossroads of various currents and influences, which over time have amalgamated to give rise to entirely original forms of identity expression.


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