Francesco Miglionico


What I am, I owe to Italy; what I have become, I owe to England.

We’re at the end of the 1980s when Francesco, having just completed his military service, sets off for Milan. His aim is to get up close and personal with the world of advertising by studying it. Here, in Italy’s industrial hub, he receives some advice: head to England, learn the language, and then return to fully exploit professional opportunities. It’s from Marlborough, a small English town, that his story as a Lucanian begins in the world. Arriving in the early 1990s, Francesco gradually integrates, not without difficulties, into the Anglo-Saxon reality. It’s a reality he never leaves: for 33 years, Francesco has been a British citizen. His experience as a man with two geographical souls is encapsulated in this phrase: “What I am, I owe to Italy; what I have become, I owe to England.”


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