The Dance of the “Gregne” of Teana

Faith and traditions

The “Gregna” Festival is a unique event that brings together tradition, religion, community, and celebration. It is an important opportunity to promote Teana’s intangible cultural heritage.

The presence of processional machines carried on women’s heads or shoulders by multiple bearers, such as the classic votive candles or the “gregne,” is one of the hallmarks of the strong popular devotion that still persists in our southern churches, particularly in Basilicata. In fact, various communities are distinguished by the presence of these particular forms of worship, such as the unique case of Teana and its “gregne.” These are pyramid-shaped wooden structures covered with interwoven wheat ears, which are carried in procession on August 8th and 9th during the festivities in honor of Saint Anthony and Our Lady of Graces as a sign of gratitude for the gifts received and an invocation for divine protection.


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