The collection of the contents of the boxes that will travel from Basilicata to the Americas begins in Fardella with the Miskiglio Festival. The contents will arrive at the inauguration of the BASILICATË exhibition, a celebration of Lucanian culture around the world.
The mayors of Fardella and Chiaromonte celebrated the Basilicate project, which promotes Lucanian culture and traditions internationally, with a focus on cuisine. The method used is inspired by Casa Natural and Maria La Stella, the organizer of the Mischiglio Festival.
During the ceremony in Fardella, four boxes containing products derived from Mischiglio were handed over to the mayors. These boxes will be shipped to New York, Montevideo, and Buenos Aires, where they will inaugurate international exhibitions of the Basilicate project, celebrating Lucanian culture in the Americas.
The mayor of Fardella expressed pride in sharing local traditions with fellow citizens abroad. A special thanks was extended to the Basilicata Region and the Association of Lucanians in the World.
The boxes will officially depart from Fardella today and will arrive in the Americas in mid-August, strengthening the cultural ties between Basilicata and the Lucanian communities abroad.