The tale of a man who found his identity through his foreign experiences: an invitation to travel, embrace new cultures, and appreciate one’s roots
Davide was a mere teenager when he decided to try the experience of seasonal work. Despite his age, he knew what he wanted and how to get it. At 17, he set off from Teana for a village near Crotone, then made his way north to the Veneto region. This, however, was only the first act of a long journey. Davide seamlessly integrated his studies between France and Germany, further broadening his horizons with an Erasmus exchange program in Colombia. What initially appeared to be a serendipitous detour along his path gradually transformed into the driving force behind his endeavors: exploring the unfamiliar to gain knowledge and understanding. Davide firmly believes that it is only through this process of immersion and assimilation that one can achieve true personal enrichment, which, in turn, deepens one’s connection to their roots. For him, traveling has always been, and continues to be, a means of feeling closer to home. Currently residing and working in Bahrain, Davide makes every effort to return to Teana whenever possible. It was in this very town that our conversation took place, delving into a range of thought-provoking topics: cultural identity, the role of nostalgia, the significance of curiosity, and the mastery of foreign languages as an essential tool for integration into diverse social environments.